Except that of wishing between Sibawayh and grammarians


  • Abdul Razzaq Ali Hussain




Except that, wishing, Sibawayh and grammarians


The scholars of Arabic - may God reward them with the reward of the doers of good - laid down the rules of this language, the cycle of which never ceases to dazzle minds, so they adopted principles according to which they judged the denomination of this word, and the accusative of that, and determined in its light the worker and the done, until they reached us the rules and foundations of our dear language, and it is obvious that they differ. The origins of grammarians from one school of thought to another, or from one world to another, especially with regard to the subsidiary rules, and this difference was clearly reflected in what we have received from the rules, as we find a difference in the rulings that they restricted to the one factor or the applied, so we find two different rulings for the same word, so each of them rules According to a hearing, or a logical or moral argument that the other did not reach, or that he reached others, and both rulings are correct according to the principles that the scholar relies on, and the recipient must be convinced of any of them he wants, so he takes it with conviction in the principles of that ruling and its argument, and this multiplicity of opinions is not considered It is a defect, but it is one of the virtues of our Arabic language, as it gives it flexibility that other languages do not have, and among the many rulings in it is (not) that negates gender if an interrogative hamza enters it, and it indicates that they combine the meaning of wishing, for I used to read Ibn Hisham repeatedly, and I find him mentioning (Except) which is for wishing at Sibawayh, so my curiosity seduced me in searching for its truth and getting to know it, and its rulings, so this research came as a result of that curiosity, so I ask God that my curiosity be of benefit, and that I am not just an intruder, and I tried in this research to collect the opinions of grammarians About (no) if the interrogative hamza enters it and their wishful composition is indicated, and these opinions are compared with each other, and an attempt is made to reach its truth.
It should be noted that many grammarians did not elaborate on it, while a large number of them did not mention it, nor did they mention it except for two anonymous witnesses, which constituted an obstacle for me to reach the opinions of the grammarians about it.

I can not help but ask the reader for an excuse if he finds a slip or a mistake, for I am only a human being who has no immunity from error, and between me is a soul that is inclined towards evil. It is a mistake, but I do not mean it, and I seek forgiveness from God Almighty and repent to Him, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the best prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, and his family and companions altogether.


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How to Cite

Except that of wishing between Sibawayh and grammarians. (2023). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 17. https://doi.org/10.51930/jcois.2008.17.%p

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