Analytical jurisprudence study For the book "The Pillars of Islam" by Judge al-Nu'man al-Maghribi (363 AH)


  • teacher dr Mr. Jassim Abdul Amir Jassim Al Bu Hamad



The pillars of Islam, Judge Al-Numan, Ismaili, An analytical study


This analytical research study was linked to the book “The Pillars of Islam” by Judge Al-Nu’man Al-Maghribi, one of the notables of the fourth century AH, from two aspects: The first: introducing the book, its importance, and what is linked to it in terms of explaining the sources of deduction and its methodology according to the compiler and then examining a group of applied models in this book. As for the second aspect: it was in knowing the opinion of the Imami jurists regarding the various issues of jurisprudence in which Judge Al-Nu’man disagreed with them, and the evaluation of this disagreement was based on two directions: The first: Some jurists believed that his opinions came within the contexts of his Ismaili doctrine and what had previously been influenced by the Maliki doctrine. prevailing in the Maghreb. Second: Other jurists argued that his jurisprudential violations were due to the circumstance of taqiyyah, which required him to keep up with the Fatimid rulers at the time.


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How to Cite

Analytical jurisprudence study For the book "The Pillars of Islam" by Judge al-Nu’man al-Maghribi (363 AH). (2023). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 75.

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