The religious purposes of the artistic gap in the Qur’anic storye Qur’anic story


  • Muhammad Youssef Al-Deek Department of Da’wah, College of Da’wah and Fundamentals of Religion, Al-Quds University. Al-Quds, Palestine Fundamentals of Religion, MA, Al-Quds University, Al-Quds, Palestine
  • Student Alaa Iyad Hijazi Department of Da’wah, College of Da’wah and Fundamentals of Religion, Al-Quds University. Al-Quds, Palestine Fundamentals of Religion, MA, Al-Quds University, Al-Quds, Palestine



gaps, , , purposes, Quranic story


Objectives: This study aims to define the technical gap in the Qur’anic story, and aims to explain the religious purposes, mentioning examples and models as evidence of these purposes. Methodology: The inductive, descriptive and analytical method was used, where: The study intended to explore the gap, track the cases that apply to the purposes of the gap religiously, and analyze the model to serve the purpose. Results: The artistic gap has multiple religious purposes, including: proportionality to the context, not distracting the listener, upholding the status of prophecy, and glorification and contempt. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the term gaps is a modern term in terms of the use of this term, but in reality, in terms of what is included, it is scattered in various books of interpretations. The issue of deletion in the Holy Qur’an is evident in some of its cases, and the rhetorical connotations mentioned by the owners of this art, and intentionally deleting the gaps in some episodes from the story, which is one of the aspects of the rhetorical miracle. I recommend developing a systematic mechanism to identify the gaps, especially in the Qur’anic stories, within the rules of Interpretation.

Author Biographies

  • Muhammad Youssef Al-Deek , Department of Da’wah, College of Da’wah and Fundamentals of Religion, Al-Quds University. Al-Quds, Palestine Fundamentals of Religion, MA, Al-Quds University, Al-Quds, Palestine

    Department of Da’wah and Fundamentals of Religion

    Associate Professor / Interpretation and Sciences of the Holy Quran

  • Student Alaa Iyad Hijazi, Department of Da’wah, College of Da’wah and Fundamentals of Religion, Al-Quds University. Al-Quds, Palestine Fundamentals of Religion, MA, Al-Quds University, Al-Quds, Palestine

    Master's Degree in Fundamentals of Religion

    Interpretation path


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The religious purposes of the artistic gap in the Qur’anic storye Qur’anic story. (2024). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 78.

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