Secrets of mountains in the Holy Quran


  • mahmmad asmail


Secrets of mountains, Holy Quran


Praise be to God, who made the pegs of the earth and entrusted them with the task of keeping the earth from tilting, and prayers and peace be upon the one to whom the Qur’an was revealed, Muhammad, and upon his family and all his companions.

The topic of mountains is one of the important topics in human life, as God has associated great miracles with them that indicate the perfection of the power of God Almighty. God Almighty says: (And to the mountains, my palms have turned. This is worthy of every rational person to contemplate His signs, the Almighty, in this solid part and safety belt of the earth, in order to reveal the secrets of the mountains and uncover their treasures. The more the researcher studies the mountains and ponders them, the more wonders appear to him that are not visible at his fingertips. God Almighty says: (And in the earth are signs for those who are certain) (1). It is no secret to researchers that there has been a growth throughout the ages recording new discoveries about the earth and the sky and their parts, in a record. Science to embody the wonders of God in His creation for future generations, he says

God Almighty: (You will show them Our signs on the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.) (3) The research aims to explain the functions of mountains, their formation, and identify the masterpieces of their making

God is the One who perfected everything, because man in this universe is faced with two things: the matter that is the subject of symptoms, including substance, body, animal, energy, and the symptoms that are predicated on the subject that is its basis. Without it, those symptoms would not have appeared, such as colors, strength, spirit, soul, air, and other things. If we know matter, energy, and duality in the parts of creation, we will realize the oneness of God and that He is the One and Only

In whose hand is the kingdom of all things, and to Him you will be returned.


القرآن الكريم


الإسلام في عصر العلم، محمد احمد الغمرواي، الطبعة الأولى مطبعة لجنة

التأليف والترجمة والنشر مصر ، ١٣٥٥ هـ ١٩٣٩م.

البيئة والتضاريس، د. يوسف عبد المجيد فايد برت.

ترتيب القاموس طاهر احمد الزاوي دار سب العلمية

لبنان، ۱۳۹۹ - ۱۹۷۹م.

تفسير ابن كثير، الحافظ عماد الدين ابو الفداء اسماعيل بن كثير القرني الدمشقي ت ٧٧٤ هـ . دار المعرفة للطباعة والنشر، بيروت - لبنان ١٤٠٢ هـ -


تفسير الرازي فخر الدين محمد بن عمر الرازي المتوفى سنة ٦٠٤ هدار

الفكر - بيروت - لبنان، ١٤٠١هـ - ١٩٨٠م.

التفسير العلمي للايات الكونية، حنفي احمد الكاتب مطبوع على ملزمة. تفسير السراج المنير تألفى الخطيب الشربيني دار المعرفة بيروت - لبنان

تفسير الكريم الرحمن في تفسير كلام المنان تألفي عبد الرحمن بن ناصر

السعدي تحقيق محمد زهدي النجار عالم المعرفة مكتبة النهضة الغربية -

بیروت لبنان الطبعة الأولى ١٤١٨هـ - ١٩٨٨م.

۹ دائرة المعارف القرن العشرين.

الطبيعة في القرآن الكريم . د. ياسر كاصد الزيدي منشورات وزارة الثقافة

والاعلام، دار الرشيد للنشر - ۱۹۸۰م.

.11 معجم متن اللغة الشيخ احمد رضا دار مكتبة الحياة بيروت ۱۳۷۸هـ



وجه الارض محمد متولي، مكتبة الانجلو المصرية، ١٩٧٧م.

١٣ يوم الدين والحساب دراسات قرآنية شكري محمد الطبعة الأولى، ۱۹۸۰ ،








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