Description of nature and the joys of life in Fatimid poetry


  • Salam Qasim Hassan. Assistant Instructor The Ministry of Education\Genwral Directorate for Education in the province of Baghdad Rusafa\ Third



- joys of life, description - nature


This research deals with the aesthetics of describing nature and the joys of urban life in the environment of Fatimid Egypt, among a group of poets, who were deceived by its enchanting beauty and breathtaking scenery, through it they depicted the reality of the life they live, and the things that involved them, as well as showing their personal culture, and the joys of life that experience, articulating this with a descriptive and analytical study, focusing on how the poet portrayed the visual scene, in an important stage of Arabic literature in Egypt.


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How to Cite

Description of nature and the joys of life in Fatimid poetry. (2023). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 73, 242-271.

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