Compulsive Hoarding and Late-Stage Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Women: Their Relationship with Demographic Variables (Sulaimani Governorate as a Case Study)
Compulsive Hoarding Disorder, Late-Stage ObsessiveAbstract
The study aimed to explore the levels of compulsive hoarding and late-stage obsessive-compulsive disorder among a sample of 100 women from Sulaimani city. It also examined differences in these disorders based on demographic variables such as marital status, employment status, age, and educational level. A compulsive hoarding and late-stage obsessive-compulsive disorder scale (developed by the researcher) was used for assessment. The results revealed that women in the sample were affected by both compulsive hoarding and late-stage obsessive-compulsive disorder. For compulsive hoarding, there were no differences between women based on employment status (employee or homemaker), but differences were observed based on educational level, with those with intermediate education showing higher levels of hoarding. No significant differences were found based on age or marital status. Regarding late-stage obsessive-compulsive disorder, no statistically significant differences were found across demographic variables. The relationship between dependent and independent variables was found to be positive, indicating predictive power in light of demographic factors. The study concluded with a set of recommendations based on its findings.
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