manuscript The book Al-Istalam in the dispute between the two imams Shafi'i and Abu Hanifa composing Abi Al-Muzaffar Mansour bin Muhammad bin Abdul-Jabbar bin Ahmed Al-Marwazi Al-Samani Al-Tamimi Manuscript issues The marriage of minors, the marriage of a Muharram and his marriage, the annulment of marriage due to defects, the emancipation of a woman and the choice


  • Nidal Malik Ministry of Education_ Al-Furqan Preparatory School for Boys



Al-Istilam, The young. Shagging


Glory be to Him who facilitated my task in investigating some of the issues of the manuscript of the book Al-Istilam by the scholar Abu Al-Muzaffar Al-Sama’ani

I have dealt with four issues of the book of Istlam (marriage of minors، marriage of a Muharram and his marriage، annulment of marriage due to defects، manumission of a woman and choice) and dealt with the definition of the life of the author and I did not dwell on his translation of his life because my colleagues who did the verification of the book preceded me. Al-Istilam and its preparation as part of a master's thesis that dealt with the translation of Sheikh Al-Samaani، his sheikhs، his students، and his writings in abundance، and perhaps I began to investigate this issue، completing what my colleagues started.


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How to Cite

manuscript The book Al-Istalam in the dispute between the two imams Shafi’i and Abu Hanifa composing Abi Al-Muzaffar Mansour bin Muhammad bin Abdul-Jabbar bin Ahmed Al-Marwazi Al-Samani Al-Tamimi Manuscript issues The marriage of minors, the marriage of a Muharram and his marriage, the annulment of marriage due to defects, the emancipation of a woman and the choice. (2023). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 74.

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