Features of visual formation in the poetry of the poets of the Umayyad era


  • Assist. Prof. Dr.Entiha Abbas Aliwi University of Al- Mustansiriya




visual formation, poetic writing, Umayyad poetry, recipient



The Umayyad poets tried to invest all artistic tools in order to achieve a measure of creativity in their texts. The phenomenon of visual composition is breaking the familiar writing system, with the aim of increasing the number of possible connotations. The visual in the Umayyad poetry tries to replace it through expression with the visual image, and its manifestations were manifested by the multiplication of punctuation marks in the body of the poetic text and the tearing of the single poetic line by cutting it into several sentences or repetition.

Keywords: visual formation, poetic writing, Umayyad poetry, recipien


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How to Cite

Features of visual formation in the poetry of the poets of the Umayyad era. (2023). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 75. https://doi.org/10.51930/jcois.21.75.0338

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