The Dialogue between the Inhabitants of Paradise and the Inhabitants of Hell in The Holy Qur’an: A Semantic Comparative Study


  • nazanin omar abdulrahman Salahaddin University-Erbil/College of Islamic Sciences
  • Salahaddin University-Erbil/College of Islamic Sciences Salahaddin University-Erbil/College of Islamic Sciences



Dialogue,, Inhabitants,, Paradise, , Hell, , Semantics


The Qur’anic dialogue embodies the scenes of the Resurrection in the greatest embodiment. Because of the situations full of movement, debate, and statement of facts, and the diverse dialogue displays a living scene with all its movements and stillness, with its evidence and revelations, to convey to us the psychological meanings that accompany the dialogue between desire, dread, hope, and fear, as if they are seen by the eye with no veil or long time interval between them, and this study chose a group It is one of the verses of dialogue between the Truth, Blessed and Most High, and the people of Paradise at times, and the people of Hell at other times. These verses have been studied in a semantic, contrastive study to show what influential connotations and revelations the words of the Truth, Glory be to Him, carry, where everyone will gather on the Day of Resurrection, each with his own feelings, sensations, emotions, and interests, and what these are. The horrific scenes and intense dialogues are only to reveal facts and show evidence. It is certain that the language of dialogue, its connotations, and its aspects have a clear effect in bringing the image of the unseen, imperceptible to mind in a sensory manner that is dialogue. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the precise connotations of the words of the dialogue, and the methods used to reveal the graphic touches and show the miraculous expression. The Qur’an in these scenes in particular, and drawing attention to the beauties in them, which deepens the feeling and shakes the souls and fills them with faith and certainty, by focusing on the cause of the artistic scenes in presenting the Qur’anic scene, and spreading life in it through dialogue and diagnosing the mental meanings and transforming them into renewed life. Because a person finds this dialogue difficult for himself, excludes it to the greatest extent, and ignores it most of the time, even though these afterlife dialogues are a means for people to consider before attaining and facing reality, the Day when neither wealth nor children will benefit except those who come to God with a sound heart.


المصادر والمراجع

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The Dialogue between the Inhabitants of Paradise and the Inhabitants of Hell in The Holy Qur’an: A Semantic Comparative Study. (2024). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 80.

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