Adverbial Particles


  • Aqeel Abd Temur Profession: Preparatory teacher - Ministry of Education / General Directorate of Education of Baghdad Governorate, Al- Rusafa II.



Grammar Fundamentals, Definitions, Adverbials


The aim of this research is to resolve a problematic issue that has long been difficult for learners to understand and for teachers to present in an easy manner. This issue originates from the fundamental principles of grammar, while preserving the syntactic system that governs it. The research highlights certain words that have perplexed the definitions traditionally accepted by grammarians concerning the triadic division of words (noun, verb, and particle). I found that some words indicating adverbial meanings could be reclassified from nominal to particle, thus categorizing them as prepositions according to the foundational definitions, without affecting their syntactic function. The researcher adopts a descriptive-analytical approach to distinguish nominal adverbs and extract the particles from them, placing them under one category: "Adverbial Particles." Therefore, the research is divided into four main sections: the first (Refining the Two Categories), the second (The Meaning of Prepositions), the third (Non-Declinable Adverbs Are Not Nouns), and the fourth (Comparison between the Two Categories).


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