Test tube babies in Sharia and law


  • kamal azize abdallah


Test tube babies, Sharia and law



          IVF( In Vitro Fertilization) and its accessories, as a reproductive technology, is considers as one the most important scientific and technical revolutions in both medical and social levels, its benefit to mankind as it simulates the natural instincts of human beings, and focuses on one goal; which is parents wish to have their live births as a complement of the natural life cycle.

     The IVF is a new term for having children outside the woman's womb via an industrial method, and the term refers to the children who caused birth of fertilization of an egg outside the woman's womb in a laboratory, which is called (vaccination in the tube), and the fertilization is performed in a glass container via fertilizing the egg of women inside a laboratory, implanting the egg, then transferring the embryo to the uterus.

       In fact artificial insemination operations in its general sense was well-known in human societies since the ancient times. Arabs, for example, resorted to such operations to vaccinate palm trees and fruits.

         Then the evolution of pollination is gradually introduced into the animal world, and the historians resort the date of entry vaccination operations in Zoology to the fourth Hijri century, it is said that the first who practices insemination animal experiments were the Muslims, and that some Arab tribes had resorted to such vaccinations in order to obtain original horses having high efficiencies and specifications. Due to these operations Arabian horses have acquired their fame and originality, but vaccination remained confined only to the world of plants and animals till the twenty first century.

The Islamic (legitimacy) perspective:


We've learned a great deal of reasons for artificial inseminations, concern for childbearing and being requested to have a child by both parents, if happened water of spouse cannot enter the womb of his wife  or through syringe or unable to have sexual convergence, it is permissible, and God knows best. If  there was a defect in a woman also there is nothing wrong with that as they are pollinated outside the uterus or toward the test tube, as long as vaccination water among the couple - and God knows best

         Different countries topped different laws about this newly introduced subject as well as what have been induced and done by divine laws; these laws are classified  into three aspects of what is possible, what should be banned and what that requires detail ;despite the existence of laws which prohibit recourse IVF at all.


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