Provisions for a Muslim to be naturalized with the citizenship of non-Muslim countries


  • omar jsam anaid


Provisions for a Muslim to be naturalized, the citizenship of non-Muslim countries


Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Thank you very much. Blessed. As his face should be majestic and great. His authority, and may peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, a perpetual blessing until the Day of Judgment

And upon the God of purity, His righteous companions, and those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment. But after:-

Anyone who looks into the history of nations, peoples, and the conditions of human beings will see that naturalization as a person’s affiliation to a particular state is something that happened only in recent centuries. In ancient times, a person’s loyalty was to the tribe to which the person belonged, and he was integrated into it and attributed to it, and in its entity his personality dissolved, and he was unjust with it. Or oppressed, and a person cannot escape from his tribe to another tribe, no matter how humiliated, humiliated and weak the tribe has become, so it is not possible for a person to belong to a tribe other than his own, even if

He wished so.

The situation remained like this until Islam came, and the bond between Muslims became the bond of one religion, no matter how far apart the countries were and how different the tongues were. God Almighty said (The believers are only brothers), and texts came repeatedly confirming this essential pillar, and forbidding all fanaticism, dietism, and ignorance, until this right system was firmly established in the souls and settled. ,

Until the Muslim poet said:

My father is Islam, I have no father other than him

If they are proud of Qais or Tamim

In the late nineteenth century, the state was formed in its modern sense, and every state had a nationality and its conditions for whoever became its citizen according to the regulations.


بعد القرآن الكريم

-١- بحوث في قضايا معاصرة / محمد تقي العثماني

٢- تبديل الجنسية ردة وخيانة / محمد عبد الكريم الجزائري. -

التحس / محمد الشاذلي الينفر / طبع تونس.

- التعريفات / علي بن محمد الجرجاني / نشر دار الكتاب العربي / بيروت - لبنان

ه - الجامع الصحيح / محمد بن اسماعيل البخاري / دار ابن كثير / بيروت - لبنان

- دروس في القانون الدولي الخاص / موسی عبود دار الجيل -بیروت لبنان السنن الكبرى / احمد بن شعيب النسائي / دار الكتب العلمية بيروت - لبنان

سنن الترمذي / محمد بن عيسى الترمذي دار احياء التراث بيروت لبنان

٩- فقه الاقليات المسلمة / خالد عبد الله طالقاهرة.

١٠- القاموس المحيط / محمد بن يعقوب الفيروز آبادي دار الجيل بيروت لبنان ۱۱ - القانون الدولي الخاص / عز الدين عبد الله - الهيأة المصرية العامة للكتاب -

القاهرة - مصر.

١٢- القانون بين الامم جيرهارد فان غلان دار الجبل بيروت - لبنان

١٣- قضايا فقهية معاصرة / محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي / مكتبة الفارابي دمشق


١٤- کشاف اصطلاحات الفنون / محمد علي التهانوي لبيان ناشرون بيروت


- لسان العرب المحيط ابن منظور دار الجبل بيروت لبنان

١٦ - المصباح المنير / احمد بن محمد بن علي القيومي / مطابع لبنان بيروت


١٧ - مختار الصحاح / محمد بن ابي بكر الرازي دار الفكر بيروت - لبنان.

١٨- المعجم الوسيط/ ابراهيم تنيس ورفاقه مصر.







How to Cite

Provisions for a Muslim to be naturalized with the citizenship of non-Muslim countries. (2023). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 19.

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