The story of the doctrine, and its impact on the Shafi’i doctrine
The story of the doctrine, and its impact on the Shafi’i doctrineAbstract
Research in the field of terminology is one of the important matters in every science, including the science of jurisprudence. In this science, there are different terms, some of which are agreed upon among jurists, and some of which are specific to some of them. Among these special terms, the term “story of the doctrine”is a branch of the term “paths”, which is a term used by the Shafi’i’s. This is because some of their jurisprudential opinions may be conveyed by some of them in a different manner than what others transmit. Some may say: “There are two opinions on the issue”, reflecting a story of their doctrine,while others say ”It is rather one opinion, or view, or something else” . This, too, tells that their doctrine is different. This, and this transfer of these opinions, is what is called the story of the doctrine, and this disagreement may be discussed by the jurists in terms of preference. Some of them may prefer the method (path) of the Iraqis, while others may prefer the method of the Khorasanis. Those are the two basic schools in the Shafi’i doctrine on which this term was based and have the significant impact on the preferences.
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