Investment provisions and their types


  • Razzak Harran Muhammad الويسي The General Company for the Distribution of South Electricity/ Dhi Qar Branch



الاستثمارات, مخصصات – استثمارية – انواع- احكام


The research talks about the concept of investment allocations, showing its linguistic and  idiomatic meaning, as well as the objectives for which the investment allocations are based, as well as the benefits of these allocations since it shows types of investment contracts, including: current and fixed assets and commitment allocations.

 The research has been concluded with several results, including the protection of the banks and the investor. The contracting parties focus on specific dates that both parties are obliged to abide by,  the research also shows the jurisprudence provisions for investment allocations, each ruling according to the specific branch.



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How to Cite

Investment provisions and their types . (2022). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 70.