The fundamentalist and news theory between the modernity and excessive modernization of the foreground


  • rasheed-2020 abdelhamid جامعة بغداد كلية العلوم الإسلامية



Conclusion :

The conflict between the fundamentalist and news theory in the methodology that each of the two schools pursued with the Twelver Shi'a Imamiyyah in deriving the legal rulings from the sources of legislation, especially in the second source, which is the noble hadith and narration after the Holy Qur’an, which is the first source has gone through multiple and complex stages that led This struggle to excess, stress, exaggeration, negligence, neglect and indulgence by each of the two schools in dealing with the noble hadith and narration and in the manufacture of rules and laws and fundamentalist and juristic theories of the process of jurisprudential development of legal rulings where every school believed and proceeded from a vision and an idea secured by it according to its convictions that reached it from Understanding it to the legal evidence, so the hadith passed through three stages and roles, which are the era of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and God, which he called the “campaign of the Qur’an” or “the Qur’ans” or “the companions of the Qur’an”, and then the stage after the era of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who was called The stage of the “Hadith campaign” or the “Hadith owners” and then the stage of establishing “the science of hadith” and the science of the “novel” of the two honorable people, and after this struggle that lasted for a century And between the two schools, which led to the news taking a hard-line and excessive stance towards the science of the principles of jurisprudence, which was not a reaction to the fundamentalists, who in turn took an inattentive, negligent and indifferent attitude towards the noble hadith and narration, but after this conflict, controversy, and debate became known to all the scholars of the two schools of the two teams that The origin of the conflict is verbally returned, and the basis upon which the two parties rely and are based on the modern and honorable texts is that this mentality is far from reality and weak and its theory and idea that it believed in have no scientific value. After all this period of time that the conflict and discussion between the two parties took, things returned to their former times, and the process of accreditation and reliance on the noble hadith and narration, with the benefit of the rules, is proceeding with advanced and excellent steps and according to tight curricula. For every school, a methodology was established and established according to ideas, visions and rules inspired by the legal evidence.

But the serious issue that can be reached through this research is that the result of conflict, controversy, and intolerance by every school for its theories, ideas, visions, and adoptions has led in the past and this is what we reached during this research and will lead in the future to move away from the most important source of legislation and religious and Islamic thinking, belief and law except It is the noble Hadith and Novel.

Therefore, it was incumbent upon all the people of religion, science, knowledge, opinion-holders, the word and the scientific institutions from the religious seminary, universities, institutes, schools, and research centers to stand in the face of these ideas, theories, visions, and tides, and the challenges of this category and its curriculum that is far from the correct and pure Islamic and religious approach..







How to Cite

The fundamentalist and news theory between the modernity and excessive modernization of the foreground. (2020). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 62.