Reasons for the Righteousness of Offspring in the Holy Quran: An Objective Study




righteousness., , offspring, reasons, reasons


Abstract Objectives: This study aims to show the most important material factors for the righteousness of offspring in the Holy Quran, and to show the most important legal manners in teaching children in light of the Quranic guidance, and to show the most important Quranic models in the righteousness of offspring. Methodology: The researchers followed the inductive approach by tracking the verses of the Holy Quran related to the reasons for righteousness and the descriptive analytical approach of the texts and linking them with reality. Results: The righteousness of offspring has reasons that must be taken into account after the grace of God Almighty, and the reasons for the righteousness of offspring materially require specific and clearly defined mechanisms and procedures in an integrated manner, and the Qur’anic stories are full of practical models for the righteousness of offspring in various forms. Conclusion: The righteousness of offspring includes righteousness through faith and material reasons, and the material reasons are manifested in the good choice of a life partner, a good environment, a set of Islamic manners, and good earnings, and in the Qur’anic stories there are applied models for this righteousness.


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How to Cite

Reasons for the Righteousness of Offspring in the Holy Quran: An Objective Study. (2024). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 79.

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