The role of the media in promoting tolerant religious values
intellectual study
Media, religious values, an intellectual studyAbstract
Research summary
Informing means informing and informing, which is conveying information to someone and confirming his narration with it. Accordingly, information is its main content..and it has multiple means, including visual, audio and read, and it has become the dominant role in the process of socialization, and much of what we hear, read, or watch in the media is not devoid of a goal, and expresses that scientifically as “charged with values” ( Value Loaded)..Values that are: the set of beliefs that the individual holds towards things, meanings, and various aspects of activity, which direct his desires and attitudes towards them, and determine for him acceptable and unacceptable behavior, right and wrong, and all of this is in apparent relativity that cannot be denied. Many ancient and modern philosophies and intellectual schools insist on the importance of values in human life, i.e. on a necessary level that is the minimum that lies in the middle between idealism and extremism or extremism, and they insist on a minimum of them, as there is no value to life without values, and human life is not straight without them. Islamic values are the set of morals that make up the fabric of the Islamic personality, and make it integrated and capable of lively interaction with society, compatibility with its members, and work for self, family and faith. And the media, in its role in searching for the truth, and its impact on public opinion and expressing the feelings of the masses, and it participates in writing history, and therefore it has a close relationship with values and behaviours. Islam is one of these prevailing religions in our Arab homeland and neighboring countries, and it paid attention to the media, because one of the most prominent characteristics of the ancient Arab society was sharing the word with the sword in defending its entity and protecting it from enemies, and this interest extended in the Islamic state under the leadership of our noble Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and his family and grant him peace). By educating ambassadors and sending them to neighboring countries, and encouraging poets to show the valuable images of sublime Islamic morals, which are subject to the constant and variable principles of Islamic law, and values, in turn, have a close relationship with the media.
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