The Growth of Atheistic Thinking among Intermediate School Students in Baghdad - Causes and Treatments
phenomenon,, atheism,, resolution, , conflict, , proposalsAbstract
This research includes revealing the most important general reasons for the emergence of atheism. An analytical field study of the phenomenon of the spread of atheism was in middle schools in Baghdad Governorate was presented, explaining its causes and repercussions. This paper presents solutions through recommendations which should be communicating to the concerned authorities to be properly addressed and prevent the spread of this dangerous phenomenon to the society. The questionnaire is a new academic work of its kind in Islamic studies. We chose to have this census in Baghdad Governorate, because it is not possible to include the entire Iraq with this research. We chose for the census a sample of 144 male and female Islamic education teachers. Then we extracted the results by adopting academic standards. We relied on a statistical program (SPSS) to sort the results and extract the percentages. After that, we analyzed the results according to scientific controls and wrote the necessary recommendations at the conclusion of the study.
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