Students’ attitudes towards studying in the Art Education Department
Students’ attitudes, the Art Education Department, studyingAbstract
Students' attitudes toward the study in the Department of Art Education \ Faculty of Basic Education
University of Sulaymaniyah
- Wafa Mohammed Hussein Ahmed al-Tamimi \ Master of Art Education
The goal of current research to identify the students' attitudes to study at the Department of Art Education, as the objective to identify the change in the students to study in the Department of Art Education trends, in addition to recognize the difference in the attitudes students first stage and trends of students of the fourth stage about the study in the Department of Art Education, The researcher, consisted search of five chapters, the first chapter dealt with the problem of research and its goals and its importance and the need for him as well as to determine the terms, while the second chapter dealt with the literature related to research the subject of the study, and in the third quarter, the researcher to explain research procedures and steps to build scale trends, and processes Csaiahalty were used, while the fourth chapter researcher search results represented by the display duplicates of the responses of students' schedules to measure and three axes were offered (the professional field, Allajtmai area, self field) as well as the center-percentage weight of each paragraph extraction, as was the arithmetic mean extract and standard deviation to measure variation in paragraphs, was also used t- test test to see the difference in students 'attitudes, either in Chapter V has been discussed Find out the results, which was the most prominent of the results is the weakness of students' attitudes to study at the Department of art Education for the first group and of the pre-test group, Experimental results show also that there is a change in the students to study in the Department of art Education trends through the test results of the post four months after the study.....
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