The citizen and his position in the Islamic systemA vision and an original attempt


  • Anwar Saeed Jawad1 1. University of Baghdad/College of Islamic Sciences.
  • Bushra Hanoun Mohsen Karbala University/College of Islamic Sciences



rooting, citizen _ , Islamic system _


Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Master of the Prophets and Messengers, who was sent as a mercy to the worlds, and upon his good and pure family and his chosen companions; And yet, One of the things that we, the Muslims, are certain of is that the Islamic religion is the most perfect religion. It was revealed to the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad (PBUH), and it includes in its origins and legislation everything that has to do with the details of life, and the concern for the human being was the cause of the true interest of Islam and the subject of its care; The Creator, the Mighty and Sublime, subjected everything to serve the needs of human beings. God made nature (the earth) and the terrains in it a home for man, with which he is spiritually and physically connected, but God did not leave man to live alone; rather He created in him the spirit of communication and integration with others and the love of social communication under various headings, starting from the family, to clan, tribe, village, city, and ending with the social and legal system that is known as the state. The concern for the citizen or the individual is a pillar of the political system or what is known as the state; It is a basic pillar in addressing any dimension of the political system of any country throughout history. To comprehend the role of the citizens, the idea of the research came to shed light on their position, rights, and duties in the Islamic perspective. Therefore, this research was divided into a preface dealing with the concept of citizen and citizenship in terms of language and terminology. The first demand in this paper was reviewing the types and divisions of citizens, while the second demand dealt with their rights, and the third demand came to describe their duties. Finally, conclusion and recommendations were presented.


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The citizen and his position in the Islamic systemA vision and an original attempt. (2024). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 77.

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