Salvation case in Indian religious thought and its impact on Islamic Sufism


  • Saadi Mohammed Awwad



Salvation case in Indian religious thought, impact, Islamic Sufism


We find that many of the issues that haunted human thought in its religious field stemmed from objective or social conditions experienced by nations in their long history. The issue of salvation, as an idea in itself, is not immune from those circumstances that produced it alongside other issues. And if we look from the point of view of the source of beliefs - whether they are heavenly or man-made - we will find that the idea of salvation is one of the ideological and intellectual commonalities between most nations and religions, even if they differ in their details. The truth of the matter is that this is due to the yearning of the human soul and its aspiration for happiness in its life and reassurance about what it will end up after leaving this world. And I want to discuss (the issue of salvation) in a new, purposeful and focused framework, by studying it as a behavioral phenomenon, and not as it is discussed in the idea of the promised savior. And I will deal with salvation in Indian religious thought as an individual or collective project, or let's say a behavior that has its own characteristics and philosophy, through which it is intended to achieve a spiritual goal represented in reaching absolute happiness. I will also focus on the Indian influence on the formation of Islamic Sufism and what this contribution makes in the field of self-discipline and spiritual elevation through the phenomenon of Sufism. I must note that comparative research impresses me in line with my specialization in comparative religions, and we are in dire need of comparative research on beliefs and common ideas between religions and nations.


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How to Cite

Salvation case in Indian religious thought and its impact on Islamic Sufism. (2008). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 1(18).

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