Publishing ethics

The Journal of the College of Islamic Sciences is an online accredited - peer-reviewed journal that adheres to the highest standards of publishing ethics.

The editorial board is the responsible body for approving the publication of the scientific researches submitted to the journal. Papers submitted to the journal are evaluated to ensure that they meet all the criteria of publication’s terms and conditions regardless of race, gender, religious backgrounds, ethnicity, nationality, and political philosophy. What is taken into consideration is the scientific value, ethical criteria of work, scientific research integrity, language, citation and plagiarism. The editorial board panel is committed to improve the scientific sobriety of the journal through the publication of researches according to their importance, clarity, originality and their accordance with the terms and conditions announced to the researchers. 

In order to provide our readers with a quality , we declare the following principles of publication ethics and misconduct statement.
Researchers must do the following:
Ensuring the originality of their research and its fulfillment of the high professional and ethical standards for researchers, and the following results:
1- That the research presented has high credibility in terms of presenting results without fabricating or distorting the results of the data.
2- The researchers are arranged according to what was mentioned in the research, provided that the names are listed in the first sequence with an idea according to the weight of the contribution of each of them.
3- Researchers must properly refer to the research that was referred to in the research.
4- Researchers must review their research according to the evaluators ’suggestions, and in the event that the researcher does not agree to adopt the proposed amendments, then he must provide a rational justification for that.
The journal does not charge researchers any fees upon receiving their research submitted for evaluation or for publication in it, except after submitting the research to the placement program and ensuring that the percentage of plagiarism is not more than 20%. Or he desires not to follow the evaluation procedures, or to ignore it, taking into account some of the evaluators' comments without responding to them.
• Research submitted for publication in the journal is subject to evaluation by specialists.
In the event that the editorial department finds that the research submitted for publication is compatible with the publication's policies in the journal and the safety of scientific research procedures, the research is sent to two evaluators with specialization, to evaluate it and write a detailed report on its safety and scientific originality, using a dedicated form.  The magazine refrains from publishing any research that speaks in a sectarian manner or in which sectarian or ethnic expressions are inconsistent with the educational institution’s policy and human, societal and religious rights.
The magazine management deals with the names of the reviewers and their reports with complete confidentiality, and does not disclose them except to the members of the editorial board, who also deal with them in the strictest confidence.
The journal deals with research submitted for publication strictly confidential during its evaluation and before its publication.
In the event that there is a negative report from one of the reviewers, the research is sent in its original version to a third scholarly reviewer to decide on its suitability for publication.
As for the evaluators, they must:
1- The evaluators must investigate the objectivity of judgments and results issued by the evaluation process.
2- The constituents are supposed to distance themselves from personal interests.
3- The evaluators are supposed to pay attention that research is free of plagiarism or plagiarism, and they must refer to all published works from which plagiarism took place in the body of the scientifically validated research.
4- The evaluators are supposed to adhere to the time allocated for the evaluation process.
The journal views plagiarism or plagiarism as unethical behavior in the field of scientific research and publishing, and therefore rejects it altogether. This comes in parallel with the University of Baghdad's clear policy regarding unethical practices or misconduct in research and publishing, and it follows that:
Researchers must present original and non-derivative works (except for the Institute's students' research that were derived from their theses), and they must abide by the rules of citation, documentation and publishing ethics.
All papers submitted for publication in the journal are subject to the use of appropriate anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin) to verify the similarities between the research presented and the published research.
Documentation must be meticulously and the references and sources that have been cited properly should be written.
The magazine has the right to take all necessary measures against those who violate the foundations and rules of ethics of scientific research. Researchers must not submit works previously published in other journals. Likewise, they must not submit their research to more than one journal at the same time. In the view of the journal, this is considered unacceptable behavior, and contrary to the ethics of research and publication.
Researchers have the right to publish their research in other journals only after receiving official rejection from the journal, or if the journal officially approves the request to withdraw their submitted research.Conflict of interest: Research submitted by researchers, editors, employees, or members of the editorial staff are treated in the same manner as external research is treated confidentially.