Structural and contextual dimensions For the connection of static T feminization An analytical study
After looking at the books of the first two grammarians, may God have mercy on them and reward them for what they have provided us with the rules of service to the Book of God and service to Arabic, we must highlight some of the things that the grammarians wanted to clarify, which did not come out of what they proved, but we are working on the statement of the issuance of the passport Provisions from the syntactic industry, and whether it is intended to prove a rule is not very added to the statement of speech, and we know that language, any language was the function of understanding; therefore they said: (speech is a useful word that indicates the benefit improves silence on them), and this concept between Grammatical controls and contextual relationships T-language adopted by the people, we are working on the statement of the relationship between them and what he wanted grammarians, has shown that in the case of extrapolation of the passport is obligatory, which has been documented to connect grammarians and delete the static and feminine V-dimensional statement that is intended to prove the case and deleted.