Show fate to the people of Badr By Ibrahim ibn Hasan al-Kurani (1025-1101 AH)
Study, investigate and comment
It is the grace of God and his grace that he accepts repentance for his slaves, forgives their bad deeds in return for their misfortune, or offers them a good deed, but pardons many of them for free. Therefore, it is not long for God Almighty to forgive His mercy for many of His slaves and bring them to Paradise with no punishment or punishment, even if they have committed some sins, because of the multitude of their favorable navigational disadvantages, or even without gratitude thanks to him and him. With all this, some have overlooked the old and new on these things and amazed at the hadeeth ((God may have seen the people of the full moon and said do what you want, I have forgiven you)). Therefore, the scholars tried to answer some of the questions raised about the hadeeth, such as the Kurdish scholar Shaykh al-Muhaqiq Ibrahim ibn Hasan al-Kurani, who wrote this brief letter to answer a question addressed to him concerning the understanding of the hadeeth. . We have achieved it in an effort to demonstrate the true understanding of the hadith, preserve the Islamic heritage, and revive what can be revived, as required by the scientific method, with our commentary on the investigation.