Detailed interpretation of Sheikh Abdullah Knon A look at the curriculum and method of innovation Critical inductive study


  • د. عبدالله بن سالم بن حمد الهنائي



The problem lies in the main research Where the site of this interpretation of the books of interpretation and what is new and how?
The objectives of this research Vjat to give a quick overview of Sheikh Kenon and the qualifications that made him interpreter, as the goal of the research to reveal the method of Sheikh Kenon highlighting what he has and what is new and show.
The researcher used the inductive method to read the whole book and the comparative approach to compare it with others. He also used the critical method to distinguish between the positions of strength and weakness in the book. The most important results are as follows: :
1 - Sheikh Abdullah Kenon language writer familiar with many sciences, such as jurisprudence and its origins and talk and interpretation, and this is what qualified him to produce in the field of interpretation.
2 - better dealing with the times and issues in terms of his interest in calling to God and trying to link that many of the verses that he interpreted, as he did not overlook his reality in terms of linking some verses to the issues of the hour, such as the question of Palestine and his position on the other.
3 - It can be said: Sheikh Kenon renewed in his interpretation of two things, the first formalized by the name of this interpretation of this name and make it for the last seven of the Koran, and second: renewal content which is linked to the call to God verses and his exposure to important issues of the age and try to devise provisions that benefit the times today.
4 - Sheikh Kenon races pen is rarely devoid of any book and writer, has been said in the past a thousand has been targeted, for example, not to mention some of the frequent readings, and weighting some of the views contrary to the famous as happened in the first Surat Al-Teen and the middle of Al-Jinn.

تفسير سور المفصل للشيخ عبدالله كنون نظرة في المنهج وأسلوب التجديد دراسة استقرائية نقدية






How to Cite

Detailed interpretation of Sheikh Abdullah Knon A look at the curriculum and method of innovation Critical inductive study. (2019). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 1(59).