Violence and Islam
Most of the texts of Islamic law provide for the payment of damage and the denial of the human ... Damage of all kinds of material and moral, which is in the harm that affects the human being in himself or his offer or money or other affairs respected by Sharia. A person can defend himself, his mind, his religion, his offer and his money (the five imperatives) as much as he can. Islam rejects violence directed without a legitimate right and does not endorse aggression against others. Violence has been defined in language as a lack of compassion or against it or is a reprimand, bashing, and the blame ... It is in psychology: human behavior tainted by cruelty, oppression, and aggression, and is defined politically: it is deliberate civil disobedience to the law for religious, moral or political reasons. The provisions of Islam call for brotherhood and compassion and the use of the good word in persuasion with others without resorting to force, except in special cases almost the last in the record of sanctions as it is said: the last ironing treatment.