Hadith of Shaaban

Modern study


  • عبد االله أحمد عبد العزیز الشیخ حمد PhD in Hadith Al-Sharif and its Sciences Imam and preacher of Imam Ali al-Karrar Mosque




In the name of God the Merciful
After .....
This is discussed in the hadeeth of Shaaban's speech, in which there is much talk in modern terms about the ruling
It has to be corrected, improved, weakened or denied, and it has a title (modern)
Shaaban's sermon is a modern study). It is an attempt to judge me after I come
In the text and then came out of the books and works that mentioned the sermon in its verses and then a statement of the ruling
And then I studied the rules and ruled them according to the rules
Followed by the scientists wound and amendment, and then the conclusion and deposited the most important results that came out
He accepts this purely for his generous consideration of this humble research, and then indexes the sources and references that I have returned to, and I ask God to

حدیث خطبة شعبان ــ حديثية دراسة-






How to Cite

Hadith of Shaaban: Modern study. (2015). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 1(42). https://doi.org/10.51930/jcois.2015.42.%p