The Role of Higher Education in Addressing Misrepresentations of the Holy Quran in the West
Utilizing university education, combating offenses against the Quran, , responding to offenses against the QuranAbstract
This research, titled "The Role of Higher Education in Combating Misrepresentations of the Holy Quran in the West," addresses a critical issue facing our Islamic faith. Today, the image of the Holy Quran is more subjected to distortion, misrepresentation, and misinformation in Western media and educational curricula than ever before. Responding to these campaigns requires exceptional skills in refutation, persuasion, and influence. Therefore, it is essential to establish significant initiatives in this area that serve the higher interests of the Islamic community and work towards improving its image, which is both necessary and important. Hence, the significance of this research topic arises in the context of confronting the challenges posed by misrepresentations of the Holy Quran in the West, which I wish to present at the conference. The research aims to explore broad avenues for addressing and confronting the distortion of the image of the Quran in the West. It highlights, on one hand, the role of university education in tackling the civilizational challenges posed and defending the Quran. On the other hand, it contributes to improving the image of the Quran and defending it, drawing on the efforts of academic research platforms dedicated to enhancing and solidifying opportunities for academic cooperation. The research is based on several key themes, including an introduction to the importance of university education in promoting a better understanding of the Quran in the West, university collaboration with media outlets, and strategies for responding to offenses against the Quran. Keywords: Utilizing university education, combating offenses against the Quran, the West, responding to offenses against the Quran, media.
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