The Moriscos and the Inquisition in Andalusia
Moorish, Al-Andalus, Forced Conversion, InquisitionAbstract
The research sheds light on the injustices and persecution faced by Arabs, Muslims, and others of different faiths following the fall of Granada to the Spanish. However, this study specifically addresses the fate of Arabs, Muslims in Spain who were forced to abandon Islam and convert to Christianity under duress to protect their lives and property. These individuals were referred to as 'Moriscos' or converted Arabs. Despite the harsh conditions, many managed to secretly maintain their Muslim faith, outwardly appearing as Christians but inwardly practicing Islam due to the severe persecution they faced from the Inquisition, known for its ruthless and notorious tactics. The Inquisition used brutal torture methods to extract confessions, forcing conversions to Christianity without regard for human rights as outlined in all major religious teachings
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