Breastfeeding in Islamic law


  • mohammed atshan
  • hassn mahsan


Breastfeeding, Islamic law


God Almighty has entrusted women with raising our children and bringing them up on health and good morals, and that breastfeeding is specific to the Muslim family and its social life. Therefore, I have shown in this very small research, breastfeeding in Islamic law, and I divided the research into two chapters. The first chapter includes three sections, the first section contains the definition of breastfeeding in the language. The terminology, the second section covers the legality of breastfeeding and the wisdom behind it, the third section covers the stallion’s milk, and the second chapter consists of three sections as well. The first section contains the conditions for forbidden breastfeeding, the second section contains the duration of forbidden breastfeeding, and the third section contains the amount of forbidden breastfeeding. From this I wanted to show the extent of interest. Islam on this topic and its importance for the breastfeeding woman


القرآن الكريم.

١- الاستيعاب في معرفة الأصحاب، ابي عمر يوسف بن عبد الله . عبد البر، تحقيق علي البحاوي، دار الجيل بيروت - لبنان بن محمد بن

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حاشية الدسوقي على الشح الكبير - شمس الدين الشيخ محمد عرفة الدسوقي (ت ١٢٣٠هـ) طبع دار احياء الكتب العربية، عيسى البابي الحلبي

الجامع الصحيح - للأمام ابي عبد الله محمد بن اسماعيل بن ابراهيم البخاري (ت ٢٥٦هـ) - طبعة المكتبة الاسلامية - اسطنبول.


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- ٣٦٥ -







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