The goyim: the image of the other in the Jewish perspective. An inductive study in: concept, position, and motives


  • Dr. Ali Euchi العشي Associate Professor, College of Sharia, Qatar University
  • د. سعاد الرياحي PhD in Fundamentals of Religion from Al-Zaytouna University – Tunisia



the Other, the Goyim, the Gentiles, the Jews



Undoubtedly, the other is an integral part of the identity of the self, he cannot be isolated from the rest of the other religious identities as long as he participates in their existence and mission in the reconstruction and reform of the earth. One of the most prominent of these identities is the Jewish one, which is characterized by a separatist and isolated nature with regards to the other, which raises a number of questions about the image of the other in the Jewish perception, and the attitude towards it.

This study examines one of the most important of these images, i.e., the "goyim", which expresses a negative attitude that denotes racism against others. It further examines the most important reasons of this attitude, which are the religious and political motives that establish the idea of God's holy people, and the specific historical, national, natural and psychological motives that define the impact of the Jewish diaspora and its living conditions in the ghetto, drawing clear and separatist boundaries between the Jewish personality and the rest of the identities.

This study adopted an inductive and analytical approach by tracing the uses of the term "goyim" and identifying its most important connotations and highlighting the Jewish position towards the non-Jewish other.



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How to Cite

The goyim: the image of the other in the Jewish perspective. An inductive study in: concept, position, and motives. (2023). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 75.

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