characteristics Stylistic for commandments Abu Baker Al-Siddiq’s to the leaders of his Armie


  • Manal Saleh Alsaedi الصاعدي Master’s degree in Stylistic and Rhetoric



Abu Baker Al-Siddiq, commandments, style, command




This research studies Abu Baker Al-Siddiq’s commandments to the leaders of his armies. The research is organized into an Introduction, three sections, and a Conclusion.

The Introduction presents a definition of Style and Commandment terminologies. It also presents a brief biography of Abu Baker Al-Siddiq may Allah be pleased with him.

The first section explains the characteristics of the Composition and its rhetorical significance. In this Section, I study the types of predicate and the methods of construction in Abu Baker’s commandments and the rhetoric in using the connection and disconnection modifiers in his expressions.

The second section explains the characteristics of Depictions and its rhetorical significance. In addition to the rhetorical devices including Simile, Metaphor, and Metonymy that are used in his commandments.

The third section studies the characteristics of the Figure of Speech and its rhetorical significance and offer an explanation for antithesis, pun, and other types of Figure of Speech that are used in Abu Baker’s commandments.

The research concludes with a conclusion that summarizes the most important results.


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characteristics Stylistic for commandments Abu Baker Al-Siddiq’s to the leaders of his Armie. (2023). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 72.

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