The Neglected Narrators in " Weak and Abandoned narrators" Book of Al-Darqutni and Their Relationship to the Abandonment


  • خالد عبد المعين الشريف زائر




The research handles the prominent books of The Weak and Unknown Narrators , which is written by Imam Abu Al-Hasan Al-Daraqutni. It contains a brief introduction about the book and about Abu Bakr Al-Barqani, as well as Abi Mansour Ibn Hamkan.

The research handles the issue of unknown narrators and their relationship to the abandonment stipulated in the preamble to the book.

The research dealt with the identification and comparison between the sayings of Al-Daraqutni and his students - especially Al-Burqani, the publisher of his knowledge, as he is the one who narrated the sayings of Al-Daraqutni. The study concluded that the principle is to abandon the mention of the unknown narrator.



مسرد المصادر والمراجع بعد كتاب الله –عز وجل

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How to Cite

The Neglected Narrators in " Weak and Abandoned narrators" Book of Al-Darqutni and Their Relationship to the Abandonment. (2022). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 69.