term of the first difference between the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques, Imam Taj Al-Din al-Subki and its impact on the doctrine of Al-Shafeiyah


  • Ghazi Khaled Rahal Al Obeidi ,University of Baghdad / Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Department of Sharia





Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the best prayer and the best prayer, on our master Muhammad, and on his pure God, and his companions and the faithful, and who followed them by charity to the day of religion. This relationship between emphasis, is a sincere, and this harmony, such as the relationship between water, and the green, but it is good, but, with greenery, it is better, and as well as alone, is a beautiful view, but the most beautiful, with the most beautiful. From here he was starting on myself in writing the fundamentalist research of jurisprudence, to show the depth of this interconnection. The doctrine as a new term, then the taj al-Din al-Suobki came after three centuries, and agreed in his terms, and agreed in his term, and a pharynx in the word of his words. Or Noha, however, the Imam Taj al-Din al-Soubki increased this term on the costs of calamity. This term, obtained in his applications on jurisprudential branches a dispute between scholars, including that the judgment of this issue is hated, and from them who sees the first, or otherwise, depending on their consideration to the evidence of that issue. Three Investigations: First: Definition of the term of the first, and as a legitimate judgment, and the second: the first dispute with the issues of worship, and the third: the first in matters of other jurisprudence doors. In conclusion, this is an effortful effort, and I should be successful in my writing of this type of fundamentalist research, the mission, and God ask to forgive us, and forgive us, and I will produce our house, and expand our entrance. It is unjust .



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How to Cite

term of the first difference between the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques, Imam Taj Al-Din al-Subki and its impact on the doctrine of Al-Shafeiyah. (2022). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 70. https://doi.org/10.51930/jcois.21.70.0271