Dairy banks and their legal provisions

-A study in Imami jurisprudence


  • Afkar Saber Mouzan Karkh Directorate of Education





Among the things that have happened and that have emerged from the developments in society is the phenomenon of dairy banks, where institutions collect milk from donating mothers or sellers of milk and benefit from it by sterilizing and selling it.

This topic is considered one of the important topics, as Islam considers breastfeeding as a link as well as parentage, and it has the same genealogy as the spread of sanctity. Therefore, Imamate jurists addressed this topic with research despite its absence in Islamic societies.

The importance of research on this subject lies in the presence of many Muslims in the West, so it is necessary to clarify the Sharia ruling for these banks.

There may be an urgent need to benefit from these banks, for example, if the mother refuses to breastfeed her newborn due to an infectious disease, so the alternative is to search for a nurse or a way to breastfeed the newborn



بعد القرآن الكريم

https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/courses/admin/pdf/13900072732.pdتاريخ الزيارة 7/ 7/2020م

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How to Cite

Dairy banks and their legal provisions: -A study in Imami jurisprudence. (2022). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 70. https://doi.org/10.51930/jcois.2022.70.%p