The grammatical approach to explain Bant Souad's poem (Explanation of Ibn Hisham as a model) a . M . Dr. Abdul Hamid Hamad shehatha Mustansiriya University Faculty of Basic Education the department of Arabic language


  • عبد الحميد حمد شحاذة Mustansiriya University




This study is concerned with shedding light on the grammatical method of Ibn Hisham Al-Ansari (761 AH), in his explanation of Bant Souad’s poem by the poet Kaab bin Zuhair, and I included a brief description of Ibn Hisham’s life with a number of explanations of this poem, then clarified the most important features of this method The grammar represented by his reliance on hearing and presenting it to analogy with mention of types of analogy, as well as his attribution of opinions to their owners with weighting, selection and balancing, and his attention to reasoning and a number of grammatical ailments, and his approach is also distinguished by following the method of fractal.



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How to Cite

The grammatical approach to explain Bant Souad’s poem (Explanation of Ibn Hisham as a model) a . M . Dr. Abdul Hamid Hamad shehatha Mustansiriya University Faculty of Basic Education the department of Arabic language. (2022). Journal Islamic Sciences College, 69, 298-319.